Synopsis: The context of Paul's prayer is the affection he has for the Philippians. Paul prays with joy, giving thanks to God for them all. Now, Paul tells us the content of his mediatorial prayer. This is one of those times we are actually given six steps to more effective prayer. Paul knows that God is at work in Philippians, that the gospel is effectually transforming them into images of Christ. So, his prayers are effective and should be our model. Paul prays that they would abound in love with wisdom, so they are able to love and approve excellence, and thereby be holy and spiritually mature on Judgement Day. And all for God’s glory and praise. So, we want to pray warmly for one another, often and for properly ordered affections: a loving attitude, wisdom, excellent taste, holiness and the fruit of the spirit, enduring until judgement, day remade into images of Christ.
Synopsis: Paul and the Philippians, though they suffer for Christ, strive for joy-filled, unified living because they are citizens of heaven; the household of God, partners in the gospel and partakers of grace.